The Let's Play Archive

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

by Azzur

Part 11: Act 7 (part two): The Showdown

Act 7 (part two): The Showdown

: Ugh, this siege is dragging on forever. We need to do some death wagon-ing.

: There is subtlety in war, Nigel, as such, I have asked for one of the warlocks to show what his magik can do.

: First off, it's pronounced, "magic." Secondly, this guy is as subtle as a brick to the face. He throws fireballs and summons spiders. Yes, this fellow is the definition of subtle.

: And since this siege is taking so long, perhaps we should consider fortifying our position.

Walls are a fantastic idea in theory. You can create choke points, wall off special areas, and generally make life easier for yourself. Look at that price, however: 100 gold! That's one trip to the gold mine with a peon... about 10 seconds. This creates one section of wall. It's effectively useless, because by the time you have enough gold to make a worthwhile wall, you'll be rationing to push the offensive. If you rush to get a wall in the beginning, you'll need the gold to get units up to hold off the enemy. Walls are terrible in nearly every way. However, I will show them off here, because I love you all.

: And speaking of magik, our necrolytes have become verse in another ritual. One that will grant them sight to faraway lands.

Dark Vision has it's ups and downs. First off, it's expensive to learn, at 1500 gold. At that point, you should have scouted out just about anything you would need to see. Fortunately, at a certain point (this point, to be exact), the campaign has all your necrolytes know it automatically. This spell is great for when you're just massing your units, and you want to keep and eye on enemy movement. Click around a few times and figure out where they're coming from, going to, and what they're making.

: Wait... how rare is this magic?

: Well, it's fairly common-


: Chieftain, I thought you knew about this already.

: Even me know this.

: I just... I... Make the magic do something.

: I'm already on it. We'll send the spiders to scout out ahead for us.

: Warn them! Bridge! Bridge!

Spiders are good for a lot of things. If you recall, I pointed out that the AI uses the summoned creatures poorly. Here's one of their great uses: Scouting out amazingly dangerous areas. I.e. Bridges.

Here's another thing that I get to show off that makes spiders awesome. See those three casters there? If you recall how quickly my units have taken down summoned creatures, you should be thinking that my spiders are quickly dead.

You would be incorrect. Spiders actually do a decent amount of damage in a group, and can make excellent suicide attackers. This way you can take out squishy high-value targets with little risk to your actual forces. But, wait, spiders can do more! ...that we will see later.

: Well, maybe these warlocks aren't so bad. Hey, Bloodgut, make the guy do the look-y thing again. I wanna see what forces they have that bridge.


: ...You say what we're all thinking, Chieftain.

: My hammer shave.

: And while you may not be in the mood to hear this...

: We'll need to use the alternate goldmine.


: Chieftain!

: Take murder wagon. Smash all. Smash. SMASH! SMASH!

: I think he's regressed...


: Chieftain! Don't rush the enemy! We need you for...

: Wait, what the hell do we need him for?


: Holy hell.

: Me not even do any of that.

: I can't tell if he was aiming at our men on purpose or...

: Ah, much better. Come, Vilefeast. Let us retire to the Great Hall to enjoy some fine mutton.

: Me feel so small. Chieftain is... is strong?

: Bloodgut, you secure the bridge. I'm going to get something to gnaw on.

: R-right away, Chieftain.

: Warlocks! Send out your minions, and assess the lay of the land.

: Spearmen! Frontlines! Make sure that no orc may pass.

: Necrolytes, scry out Blackrock Spire. Ensure that there are no surprise attacks. Blackhand will have trouble stopping us now.

Back at Blackrock Spire...

: Blackhand... Blackhand. We need your assisssssstance out here on the battlefield. Why can't I reach you?

: Don't worry about Blackhand. Gul'dan arrived and warded him against magic. I'm here to help you with the battle, now.

: Gul'dan? Gul'dan isssss here? We could usssssse hisssss assisssssstance!

: It is one mere insect throwing himself against our walls. Can we not prove ourselves to the warchief, and take care of them alone?

: Yessssss... good point, Doomhammer. With renewed vigor, we sssssshall charge!

: ...Fool.

Back in Nigel's camp...

: It looks like our defenses are ready. Well done, Bloodgut.

: Of course, chieftain. Blackhand's forces will not move past this bridge.

: Oooh, Blackhand gonna be so proud that we smash so good.

: This gives me a plan. Warlocks!

Here's another thing that spiders are good for: Bait. Just send 'em out there, and set the trap.

And then spring it!

: Chieftain, you have wolf snout on pants.

: Mass destruction... We might as well already claim victory with these death wagons.

: Our necrolytes have politely reminded me that we're not the only ones with cata... death wagons.

: Pfft. Like they hold a candle to our Death Wagons of mass destruction.

: Why must I be constantly proven wrong!? That's it. I'm doing this by hand.

: Death Wagon'd.

: Chieftain! Me bored. Groinbiter get hungry! Chieftaaaaaain! Chieftaaaaaaain!

: At least let my men scout out the land, first. We don't want any ambushes along the way.

: Hm, there has to be a safe staging area somewhere around here.

: Perfect. Ah, and just in time too...

: Incoming catapult!


: Death wagon, yes. Now get the men up here, and prepare for the assault.

: Uhh... that leaves our bridge open to a frontal assault. You know... like that one.

: I've left some preparations in case of such an attack...

: Two old orcs in robes. Awesome. Yup, you sure are the tactical genius here.

: Chieftain, watch for just a moment, please.

God damn do I love spiders. I honestly hated them before this LP, but they are just so damn useful. Here they serve as the perfect blockers in a choke point like this. Not only that...

...but they can dish out some serious damage to the more lightly armored targets.

: Tactical genius.

: Everyone get's lucky, peon.

: Me get lucky after battles.

: ...

: Well, thank you for that.

: Oh, tactical genius? The death wagon approaching?

: The death wag-? TWISTING NETHER!

: Ugh. This is why I chop wood instead of throwing it.

: You are one lucky son of a talbuk.

: Me turn now?

: Yup. Go smash now.

: Yay!

: Smash more?

: Go nuts.

: Me see gates from here! We smash! SMASH!

: Let's at least make sure the area is secure before running in uninformed.

: Safe to me! Chaaaaarge!

: Vilefeast! Wait!

: Aw, don't stop him. He's having fun.

: Speaking of which... you get in there too. Test out some of that luck.

: Why don't you join us, chieftain?

: Are you kidding me? Enemy territory? That's suicide!

Within the confines of Darkweaver's quarters...

: Damn him! Hisssss planssss only lead to our desssstruction! I musssst esssscape before that Necksssssmasher can find me!

: Oh, Darkweaver... where have you gotten off to? I don't want to leave any "loossssssse endssssss." Hahaha.

: Demonssss. Pleasssse cover my flight as I abssssscond from thissssss place!


: That's it! Take down those barracks and kill everyone within!

Always take out the barracks first. It's frustrating to be attacking with reduced forces only to have one grunt wreck your day.

: Kill the peons too! Can't have them escaping and trying to strike against us.

: What? How could they? They're untrained workers... civilians at best! Can't we spare them?

: What if they learn to throw stick too? Dangerous!

: But, I- I... That's rare and- uh...

: Gronn spit. You just lost an argument to Vilefeast.

: And me is not smart! Makes you double dumb!

: ...if we could just move on now.

Another thing that warlocks are surprisingly good at (with enough magic): Melee combat!(?) Popping spiders on someone or something mid-combat increases the damage dramatically, and even allows the warlock to escape.

Also, they are totally awesome.

: Search that place! Bring me Blackhand and Darkweaver! I'm taking care of this personally!

: The whole town has been razed, and there is no sign of either, chieftain.

: What!? WHAT!?

: Victory.

: NO. No Victory. I'm going on a hunt!

In the foothills of Blackrock Mountain...

: Damn thessssse booksssss! Sssssso heavy! But I need them to finissssssh Gul'dan'sssss ssssstudy of the Tomb! I mussssst beat him to it! The power... the- Eh?

: Well hello there, Darkweaver.

: Necksmasher!

: Looks like someone lost their speech disorder. Now, then... let's have a little talk.

Back at Blackrock Spire...

: Nigel, where have you been!? We were worried!
: I'll ignore the fact that you didn't use my title, for I'm in such a good mood.

: Is that... Darkweaver's robe?

: Victory.